Our impact

Explore growth, rankings and impact in research and technology transfer at ASU

Advancing research with impact

One of the fastest growing research institutions in the United States, Arizona State University has expanded its research enterprise more than sixfold in the past 20 years. This rapid growth is a testament to ASU’s ability to convene transdisciplinary teams that can address complex problems and deliver solutions to benefit people all over the nation.

ASU is one of the fastest growing research institutions in the U.S.

$904M in total
research expenditures

FY 12 $386M


FY 13 $405M


FY 14 $426.7M


FY 15 $458.4M


FY 16 $518.2M


FY 17 $545M


FY 18 $617.7M


FY 19 $640M


FY 20 $673M


FY 21 $677.3M


FY 22 $797M


FY 23 $904M


Rankings by research expenditures




Non-science and engineering




Business management and business administration


Visual and performing arts


Civil engineering


Geological and earth sciences


Social sciences


Total research expenditures among institutions without a medical school

Data from the NSF HERD Survey, reflecting FY 2023 expenditures.

What are research expenditures?

#1 for global impact

ASU ranks No. 1 in the U.S. and No. 6 in the world for addressing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, according to Times Higher Education.

Highlights of discovery and innovation

First X-rays for laser

Scientists generate the first X-rays with the compact X-ray light source, marking a major milestone.

February 2, 2023

Quantum boost

ASU launches Quantum Collaborative to advance discoveries and applications in quantum technology.

November 1, 2022

Complete coral map

Researchers complete the Allen Coral Atlas, the world’s first full map of shallow water coral reefs.

September 8, 2021

Combating COVID-19

ASU makes the first FDA-approved COVID-19 saliva test in the western U.S. and provides to Arizona.

July 9, 2020

Tiny tumor fighters

ASU helps build nanorobots from DNA that can shrink tumors by cutting off their blood supply.

February 12, 2018

OTES sendoff

The first space instrument built entirely at ASU launches on a NASA mission to the asteroid Bennu.

September 8, 2016

Humans debut

A fossil discovery provides the earliest evidence of our human genus, Homo, 2.8 million years ago.

March 4, 2015

West Nile therapeutic

Scientists use a plant-derived treatment to successfully combat West Nile virus after infection.

February 1, 2010

Microbes clean our water

Scientists invent a system that uses naturally occurring microbes to remove contaminants from water.

February 27, 2008

Phoenix as a laboratory

Phoenix becomes a living lab as one of only two NSF Long-Term Ecological Research sites in a city.

June 19, 1997

Materials for life

Scientists discover the first amino acids originating from outside the Earth in meteorite samples.


Solar gets its start

The same year the solar cell was invented, ASU houses the Association for Applied Solar Energy.

April 25, 1954

The ASU Smart City Cloud Innovation Center is a collaboration between ASU, Amazon Web Services and the Greater Phoenix region. The CIC leverages Amazon’s Working Backwards methodology of starting with the customer, exploring problems and opportunities and then building prototypes with ASU student interns. Together, ASU and AWS are helping conserve water in Scottsdale and Durban, South Africa; reducing homelessness in Arizona; improving citizen engagement in Phoenix and much more.

Ben Butler Global Lead of Cloud Innovation Centers, AWS Worldwide Public Sector

Technology transfer

Ranked No. 1 in innovation for 10 consecutive years, ASU is a leader in translating research into products and services for the benefit of society. In fact, the university ranks in the top ten for U.S. utility patents issued to universities worldwide in 2023. Since 2003, more than 250 companies have launched based on ASU innovations, attracting $1.4 billion in external funding.

Learn about ASU’s impact on the Arizona economy

Invention disclosures (FY 24)

U.S. patents (FY 24)

New startup companies (FY 24)

ASU excellence

Learn more about Arizona State University rankings and honors.

Help us make an impact

Your generosity advances discovery and innovation with real-world impact.