Knowledge Enterprise
Advancing research, innovation, entrepreneurship and strategic partnerships at ASU
We are changing the way the world solves problems.
Driving discovery, innovation and solutions
Knowledge Enterprise is the engine that drives discovery and innovation at Arizona State University, one of the fastest growing research institutions in the U.S. We empower researchers, forge partnerships, invest in our communities and pioneer interdisciplinary thinking. Our goal is not simply to find solutions, but to fundamentally reshape how the world solves problems.
Our impact
Arizona State University is a global leader in interdisciplinary research, discovery and development. Our rapid growth and top rankings demonstrate our success at delivering new knowledge and solutions that support thriving people, a thriving planet and thriving societies.

2023 year in review
ASU researchers are partnering with NASA to explore a metal-rich asteroid, establishing a testbed to advance our nations’ domestic microelectronics production, and are on the cusp of launching a new medical school to improve the health of all Arizonans.
$904 million
ASU has expanded its research enterprise more than sixfold in the past 20 years, reaching $904 million in research expenditures in FY 2023.
250+ companies
More than 250 companies have launched based on ASU innovations, attracting $1.4 billion in external funding.
#1 in innovation
For the tenth year in a row, U.S. News & World Report named ASU the most innovative school in the U.S. in its 2025 college rankings, ahead of MIT and Stanford.
Spotlight: 10 years of security solutions

Ethical readiness of autonomous systems
Scientists at ASU and the University of New South Wales received a multiyear contract from DARPA to pioneer new research in military ethics and autonomous technologies. This contract was granted through DARPA’s Autonomy Standards and Ideals with Military Operational Values program, which aims to create benchmarks to assess how well autonomous systems, including those employing artificial intelligence, can handle complex, ethically sensitive situations in military settings.

ASU to support DOD Irregular Warfare Center
ASU will work closely with the DOD and provide reputable academic research support to the DOD Irregular Warfare Center. ASU will lead a national consortium that will help the center understand current and emerging global trends in nontraditional warfare. The goal is to create a pool of national experts to help the U.S. develop effective solutions and tactics. So far, it is the biggest DOD award managed by GSI, with an anticipated $24 million over five years.

Jackpot! ASU hackers win $2M at Vegas AI competition
The DARPA AI Cyber Challenge is a competition hosted at DEF CON, the world’s largest hacker convention. The contest aims to spur the development of a cybersecurity system powered by artificial intelligence, part of the U.S. government’s vital efforts to shore up national cybersecurity defense. The ASU-led Shellphish team won $2 million to continue developing their AI-based system, ARTIPHISHELL, and will demonstrate their finished system live at the finals in August.
Explore our resources

Accelerate your research
Whether you need help finding funding opportunities, crafting a proposal or commercializing your discoveries — ASU supports researchers through the entire research cycle.

Partner with us
We can accomplish more together. Find out how you can create customized partnerships with ASU that help your organization thrive.

Gain career experience
Students are vital to our ecosystem of research, entrepreneurship and innovation. Find opportunities to apply your coursework to hands-on projects and real-world challenges.

Support discovery
Philanthropy plays an important role in creating knowledge, pioneering discovery and catalyzing innovation. Learn how your gift can advance our work.

Be a part of ASU Knowledge Enterprise
Advance your career while making a difference. Knowledge Enterprise employees support research and innovation that benefits our communities and our world. And they enjoy generous and broad benefits including health and life insurance, retirement, tuition reduction and much more.