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Spotlight: Mothers

photo of baby gelada primate taking a bite of a leaf

Research of wild primate shows maternal effects key to gut microbial development

Gut bacteria are transmitted through milk, giving mothers a direct impact on the mix of bacteria their offspring harbor and a potential pathway to influence their infant’s health. A study of wild geladas provides the first evidence of clear and significant maternal effects on the gut microbiome both before and after weaning in a wild mammal.

photo of Hinde pulling frozen milk samples out of a freezer

ASU anthropologist heralded for exploring the science and social justice of mother’s milk

ASU anthropologist Katie Hinde sees milk as more than food. It is also personalized medicine and a carrier of information that affects immunity, brain function and metabolism. Her study of global milk samples will enhance precision nourishment for the most fragile infants and children in neonatal and pediatric intensive-care units.

illustration of mother breastfeeding baby

Fetal cells influence mom’s health during pregnancy — and long after

Dramatic research has shown that during pregnancy, cells of the fetus often migrate through the placenta, taking up residence in many areas of the mother’s body, where their influence may benefit or undermine maternal health. The presence of fetal cells in maternal tissue is known as fetal microchimerism.

Knowledge Enterprise in the news

Loneliness can kill, and new research shows middle-aged Americans are particularly vulnerable

ASU psychology researcher Frank Infurna details his team’s new study, in which he found middle-aged Americans are lonelier than their European counterparts.

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Cyberattacks are disrupting critical infrastructure. This expert says we can all fight back

Professor Katrina Michael joined The Show to discuss the growing cybersecurity threats to critical infrastructure and how we can combat them.

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New report warns of threats to metro Phoenix groundwater

ASU’s Kyl Center for Water Policy warns the groundwater supply in the Phoenix area faces some major threats in the years ahead.

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How we talk about opioids can affect a patient’s treatment

English professor Peter Torres says his research suggests how doctors and patients discuss opioids can affect treatment.

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Judging extremes: ASU climatologist traces trajectory of weather records in new book

“Judging Extreme Weather: Climate Science in Action,” a new book from ASU climatologist Randy Cerveny, examines the history and politics of weather reporting.

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Study: Dehydration a greater threat than heat stress in honey bees when temps climb

A study of bees at ASU and the University of California, Davis, found that biggest danger of heat was the possibility of bees drying out.

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Media inquiries

Sandy Keaton Leander
Assistant Director, Media Relations
ASU Knowledge Enterprise

ASU Media Relations and Strategic Communications

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